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America First or Finished?

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

This coming Wednesday will be a historic day. It will be so for one of two reasons.

Either a storm load of common sense and healthy perspective will have washed over our nation with a tide surge volume so strong it buried mountains of corruption. Or apathy and negativity, agitation and hate, arrogance and dishonesty ruled the day.


There are a few things that will help you navigate Wednesday. Here is some of how I will be processing it.

If counting is suspended Tuesday night, America is in trouble. 

Everyone remembers the shenanigans of November 2020. Five of the key battleground states stop counting, claiming they will pick it up the next day. In every single state, those states showed the GOP with a lead in many races from President to state assembly. But when the counting did resume (not in the light of day but usually somewhere around 3 am) the race at the top of the ticket had shifted. In 2021 Glenn Youngkin and Jack Ciattarelli were locked in election night battles in Virginia and New Jersey. Loudon County, Virginia, and Bergen County, New Jersey attempted to pull a stoppage of counts. Youngkin had lawyers in Loudon County and successfully challenged that decision. Ciattarelli did not challenge Bergen County. By the next morning, Youngkin was the next governor of Virginia, it would be days and weeks later before Ciattarelli would learn his fate. Tuesday must be a show of force from the crush of voters who turn out, but it must also be a force of strategies to legally stop hijinx as they unfold.

If the set of issues driving this election does not create the necessary voter motivation, America is lost. 

From a purely political science perspective, this election has the basic equation of what should be a statistical wipeout. The main reason this is the case is that it’s built around kitchen table issues. Voters will have to put the most expensive gas in their cars they’ve ever had to pay for on an Election Day just to get there. Their bread, butter, bacon, beans, and beef they may have had for breakfast that morning are all at forty-year high prices. In the Northeast — specifically New Hampshire — the live free-or-die state may elect the youngest member of Congress ever because she campaigned on holding accountable her member of Congress who sided with Biden’s energy plan. That plan is forcing New Hampshire voters to pay more than $5000 for heating oil for a season that would normally cost them around $1000. How much more money does the average voter wish to fork over month after month for lives that are getting more difficult and more miserable to live with? But beyond the issues touching their pocketbooks, voters in deep blue states are facing violent crime at numbers heretofore unseen. Cong. Lee Zeldin faced a direct threat on his life during his campaign in the summer and only weeks ago a violent shooting just outside his home. Yet when he presses Gov. Hochul on what she will do about crime in New York she claims she doesn’t understand why “it’s such a big deal to him.” Lastly, if economic issues and general safety aren’t on the ballot, then surely the welfare and sacredness of parents and children are. Gender Identity curriculums being forced into local schools, Drag Queen fashion shows, and in some of the more extreme sports school districts attempting to talk to kids and assist in sexual transitions without parents' knowledge is being met with a fury of large mothers who will more than offset the feigned pro-abortion vote. So if none of these issues don’t motivate the common sense center of our nation—and voters don’t respond—get ready for the rise of the most totalitarian of payback from Washington DC and local state capitals. America will be gone. 


It’s not too late!

Despite the horridly cheat-enabling voting policies that were in effect in 2020. Despite the now-proven ballot-harvesting scams that allowed for ballot boxes to be stuffed full of unverifiable votes. Despite the refusal of the media to hold election deniers like Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams accountable while attempting to slander people like myself, Dinesh D’Souza, and others who merely raise a hand to ask a question. Despite all of it… there are reasons to be hopeful this Tuesday. If common sense Americans turn up and vote on their pocketbooks, their safety, and their children they will return their government on the federal, state, and local level back to themselves. Beyond that, if even one percent of those same Americans volunteer to poll-watch and say something when they see something they will take one more step towards that result. And if they’ve made a list of ten people that they are willing to personally check in with to see if they need help getting to or from the polling sites that day they will serve as a force-multiplier that legally maximizes the outcome for good! America has been in a two-year, abject, nightmare. The kind where even if you have the same amount of money sitting in your savings account it’s now worth $6000 less for every $100,000 in savings. And if you’ve been in the markets you’ve lost more than 36% of your investments. Our greatest world-class cities have been turned into bullet-holed toilets. 14-17-year-old black youths are committing late-term abortions on one another in our nation’s streets in broad daylight. And purely evil sexual activists are trying to brainwash your kids against your will and would even like to remove healthy tissue from their still prepubescent bodies for literally no good reason. This nightmare has impacted every American at every level, and the effects of the economy and crime have handed out their most punitive consequences on America’s poorest. It doesn’t make America a bad nation for our public servants to put the needs of our citizens as their priority. That’s called good stewardship. When America’s home is in order we are the most generous force for good on the globe. But when we are handicapped from caring for our own we can’t do much of anything.


The choice on Tuesday is clear: America First or America will be finished.

And you must vote to decide which it is!

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