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CNN's Jim Acosta Claims Biden Won the Presidential Election

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

No media outlet has called a winner in the 2020 presidential election, as razor-thin margins continue to separate the candidates. Undeterred, CNN's Jim Acosta asserted on Thursday that President Trump is attempting to overturn the results of the election, an election in which -- once again -- the results are still unknown. 


“One more time for Donald Trump, that's how the president sees it at this point," Acosta told CNN's Jake Tapper. "He's calling allies. He's calling family members, trying to gin up enough outrage out there to potentially, by the will of the president himself, change the outcome of the election itself." 

The reporter went on to say that anonymous sources told him the president's aides are starting to acknowledge defeat and are discussing a possible "resurrection" run for President Trump in 2024. It's important to keep in mind, however, that Acosta and CNN are often wrong about many things. 


The Trump-hating reporter isn't the only one to prematurely declare Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winners of Tuesday's race. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, undeterred by the probable dwindling of her Democratic majority, wrote on Wednesday that she is looking forward to working with the Democratic White House. 

The Trump team is mounting legal challenges concerning voting irregularities in key battleground states. The Trump team is optimistic they can prevail in Arizona and Pennsylvania, two wins that would seal the deal and make Donald Trump a two-term president. 

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