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Forget Double Masking for COVID, What Oregon Is Proposing Is Much Worse

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

If you give them an inch, they’ll take several hundred miles. That’s what has to be ingrained in our minds when dealing with Democrats and their measures for public safety that are so nakedly political in the era of COVID. There are people who don’t want to go back to normal. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s COVID czar, gives these people daily ammunition to keep peddling fear. The vaccines are here. Cases are down. Deaths are down. It’s over. Sorry, but it’s time to start reopening the country. Over 100 million shots were administered. We’ve blown past that marker set by the previous administration. We can all thank Trump, by the way. In an unpublished study done in Israel, one dose of the Pfizer vaccine renders the subject virtually “bulletproof” against COVID after four weeks. Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins noted this in an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, where he’s been peddling a narrative of hope and calls for more transparency regarding health professionals sharing the good news stemming from the medical advancements made during this pandemic. 


The latest spat over masks occurred last week between Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Fauci strikes at the heart of this debate. Paul rightfully asked Fauci why should those immune from COVID still be required to wear masks, noting that in this case—it’s merely theater. Fauci didn’t like this, but mask-wearing might become a permanent component to living in one liberal state. Oregon’s health officials are proposing making the mask mandate permanent (via The Federalist):

Oregon state health officials unveiled a new proposal in January which seeks to make temporary mask mandates permanent.

The current order, passed in November by the state’s workplace safety department, which requires all employers to implement state-imposed guidelines for social distancing and mask compliance, is set to expire on May 4. Oregon health bureaucrats are now seeking to make the rules permanent.

“Although the rule must be adopted as a permanent rule, its purpose is to address the COVID-19 pandemic,” the proposal reads. “Oregon [Occupational Safety and Health] intends to repeal the rule when it is no longer necessary to address the pandemic.”

No threshold for what constitutes when the mandate is “no longer necessary” however, is offered in the proposal.

So, as we roll our eyes over the double-masking nonsense that’s been peddled by the so-called experts, Oregon is proposing something much worse. The government rarely if ever likes to rescind such emergency powers, and Oregon seems poised to take their COVID power trip to the max with this proposal.


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