
ICYMI: Female Trump Supporter Wearing Make America Great Again Hat Drove Social Justice Warrior Insane

Make America Great America hats just set liberals off. I mean, it’s just absurd. On Monday, a social justice warrior reportedly had to be held back by peers to avoid getting into a physical altercation with a female Trump supporter at Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. Caleb Ecarma and Kassy Dillon of Campus Reform had more:

The victim of the assault has chosen to remain anonymous, saying that she feels unsafe and threatened, and has even resorted to asking campus security to escort her around the college. While the perpetrator of the assault has not been publicly identified, he is reportedly a male student at Gustavus College.

“She was walking around bothering no one by wearing a Trump hat, she didn’t deserve this and there’s no way that this should’ve happened,” Minnesota Federation of College Republican Chair Amanda Peterson told Campus Reform. “I wish this was a surprise to me, but it’s not, it’s no secret that college students with conservative leaning viewpoints aren’t strangers to this type of thing on campus.”

According to Peterson, the young woman was merely attempting to enter the campus cafeteria when the male student approached her and began shouting slurs and waving his coat menacingly in an effort to scare her, at one point even having to be restrained when he attempted to charge at the female student.

The school’s College Republican chapter has filed an assault charge and the administration planned on speaking with the female student. The college also told Reform that the incident was solely a verbal assault, and that it did not get physical. Still, it’s a hat my precious progressive snowflake. It’s a hat.