
Jonah Goldberg's Tweet About What's Going on in Never Trump Land Is Interesting

We’re nowhere near slam-dunk territory on this, but it’s something to watch. For Democrats, it could be an area that could produce another episode of politically induced heartburn. Jonah Goldberg is a notable anti-Trump commentator. He has been a vocal critic of the former president, though he’s returned to his classic roots amid the chaos on our college campuses. Still, while Biden has been disappointing for some Republicans who might have crossed party lines in 2020, Goldberg’s tweet about the rumblings he’s heard from within the Never Trump wing is interesting: 

This development comes off the news of Biden cutting off arms shipments to Israel over their operation in Rafah, the last Hamas bastion in Gaza. The president, who has been vocal about his opposition to this operation, has already halted one shipment of bombs. He also reportedly tried to hide this information from Congress. Biden warns that more arms could be cut off should Israel continue with this offensive. It's pure lunacy.

Yet, it’s anecdotal evidence akin to tracking lawn signs during an election year. It could mean something, or it’s nothing. If he took the time to tweet it, maybe something is brewing. Biden’s already immensely unpopular, so it wouldn’t shock me. Just keep this in your back pocket. Even with hard data, like polls, nothing is certain, but some things are clear: Biden has serious issues among voter groups that are at the core of the Democratic Party, and he’s gunning for defeat if these patterns hold.