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Don’t Get Too Excited About California’s Senate Race Just Yet

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AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, File

It was exciting news this week, when a poll out of California showed Republican Senate candidate Steve Garvey ahead of the field in Tuesday’s primary. Headlines proclaimed it to be a big deal, like it was somehow an indication that Republicans might flip the seat formerly held by the late Dianne Feinstein. Pump the brakes. We’re a long way from that, let me tell you why.

First off, why would anyone want to give that impression if they work for a “news organization”? Clickbait. There isn’t a news website out there that does not want every click possible, whether they have to mislead or lie to get it. It all counts the same, and each click is money. Can’t blame them for that. 

But once you click the link, whatever the headline about Garvey leading in California is, you see he’s got 27 percent of the vote in a 4-person field, not exactly a blowout.

The LA Times headlined it, “Ex-Dodger Steve Garvey’s remarkable rise to the top of poll in California U.S. Senate race.” Is it really remarkable? Not at all.

The candidates in positions 2, 3 and 4 are all Democrats, which means they’re splitting the votes from Democrats 3 ways, making it nearly impossible to get more than Garvey’s 27 percent.

It’s a little more complicated than that because 9 percent are undecided and 12 percent are going to one of the random fringe candidates. But the way California runs their primaries is that everyone runs in the same primary, party doesn’t matter, and the top two vote-getters move on to the general election, even if they’re both of the same party. So, even if Garvey gets the “win” tomorrow, he’d face off against scumbag Adam Schiff, most likely, in the fall. That hill to climb is steep.

In a general election matchup between Schiff and Garvey, Schiff pulls 53 percent to Steve’s 38 percent. Even if Garvey pulls 100 percent of the remaining 9 percent undecided, he’d lose by 6 points. 

That doesn’t mean it’s a foregone conclusion, of course, but California is a deeply blue state and, even though Schiff is a corrupt pile of human garbage, there are a lot really stupid people in California who will vote for him because he has a (D) after his name. 

I’m just trying to put things in perspective here.

What’s fun to look at is the other Democrats running. Katie Porter is just awful. Grating voice, and violent. The New York Post reported the porky progressive once poured “scalding-hot mashed potatoes on” her ex-husband’s head during a fight.

Her ex, according to the Post, “filed for divorce from Porter in 2013, said in a request for a restraining order dated April 30 of that year that he was ‘routinely’ called a ‘f—ing idiot’ and ‘f—ing incompetent’ by his rage-prone spouse, who also shattered a glass coffee pot on their kitchen counter in March 2012 when she felt their house wasn’t clean enough.”

Then, he said, “She would not let me have a cell phone because she said, ‘You’re too f—ing dumb to operate it.” While a case could be made…he did, after all, voluntarily marry her. 

Still, violence should never be acceptable. But it is to Democrats, if you’re far-left enough. 

And she’s the only Democrat with a shot at beating Schiff – pulling 19 percent to his 25. 

Bringing up the rear is Congresswoman Barbara Lee. She tried to pander to the left by calling for a $50 minimum wage. That is beyond stupid. But that’s not what doomed her.

Democrats, despite all their talk, rarely elect black people state-wide. Yes, California sent Kamala Harris to the Senate, but that was when the choice was between her – a half black, half Indian woman – and a Hispanic Democrat, former Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. Democrats have a hierarchy to their racism and only on rare occasions to they break it. 

Lee didn’t stand a chance, pulling only 8 percent, 4 points lower than people voting for fringe candidates and 1 point less than people who can’t make up their minds.

The general is likely to be Steve Garvey vs Adam Schiff, but it will really be Steve Garvey vs the world, or at least the state. It’s possible he wins, they did elect Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it will be an uphill fight the whole way. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to beFollow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


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