The Latest Biden Insanity: Import Hamas Terrorists

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Joe Biden’s policies reflect the contempt he and his handlers have for our country. The latest example is Joe’s announcement that he wants to bring thousands of Palestinian “refugees” into the US with a pathway to citizenship. This will certainly include members of the terrorist organization known as Hamas. In what conceivable way does this benefit America? "Whatever hurts America the most,” said author Sean Parnell, “is often where the Biden Administration lands on any given issue."

According to CBS News, "The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the US as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents.” Which Palestinians? Those “who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents. Those who pass a series of eligibility, medical, and security screenings would qualify to fly to the US with refugee status, which offers beneficiaries permanent residency, resettlement benefits like housing assistance, and a path to American citizenship.”

Requiring a connection to "American citizens or permanent residents" is a subterfuge when you consider that activists in Dearborn, Michigan were heard chanting "death to America.” These people, who support Hamas and its terrorist activities, make it likely that we would be admitting Hamas terrorists. It is important to recognize, as pointed out by journalist Katie Pavlich, that the Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research found that 72 percent of Palestinian respondents believe that Hamas' attack on October 7 was "correct.”

As reported in Townhall, “A ‘path to American citizenship’ would also mean that these people would get to vote, likely one more tactic of how Biden is looking to gain support from the far-left, anti-Israel part of the Democratic Party. The Biden administration would thus not just be bringing over future potential Democratic voters, but be bringing over ones who are among a population that we know supports Hamas and their attack against our ally in the Middle East.”

A wave of commentators condemned Biden’s plans. "We are ruled by malicious traitors," said Blaze commentator Auron MacIntyre. "Horrifying," said NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck. "We are a nation committing suicide."

"Anyone seeing the protests on college campuses right now should not need to be told why ideology matters when conferring the privilege of access to the United States to outsiders," said Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham. "We do not need more people here whose worldview so clearly clashes with that of the American founding. We should not accept immigrants from among people known to harbor terrorists."

More than two dozen Republican senators are calling Biden’s policy a national security risk. As reported in The Hill, “The GOP senators doubt that the Biden administration could prevent Hamas-members or other members of a terrorist group from entering the US. ‘We are not confident that your administration can adequately vet this high-risk population for terrorist ties and sympathies before admitting them into the United States,’ they wrote.”

"The open border isn’t enough," Senate Republicans added. "Now Biden wants to import people who supported the murder and rape of Israelis. Unfortunately, the risk of terrorists entering our homeland is no hypothetical matter,” the senators wrote, citing that in 2023 border officials arrested 169 people on the FBI terror watchlist.

“President Biden consistently undermines our national security with reckless decisions like this,” said Sen. Tim Scott. 

“We have no clue who is coming into our country, whether on our southern border or from war-torn regions run by terrorists. Not a single Hamas sympathizer should be let into this country.”

The administration kept its intentions secret until this week. No one knew about it. Commentator Mark Levin is angry that Congress did not seem to know about it, or if they did, nothing was done to stop it.

Biden's anti-American actions prove that he is an infiltrator. Does he do the bidding of Iran or China? The Squad also are infiltrators—they have infiltrated our Congress. They hate America. What sort of country allows this? If he gets another four years, Joe and his Obama/Soros puppet masters will complete the destruction of our country.

“Other insanities aside,” someone tweeted, “this is politically insane. Biden is forcing people to consider voting for Trump. I have every intention of leaving President blank in Nov, but not if Biden insists on opening the doors to a terrorist state.”

Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator and author of two No. 1 Amazon Best Sellers, AMERICA ON ITS KNEES: The Cost of Replacing Trump with Biden, and THE WAR ON WHITES: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport.