
The Latest Joe Biden Poll Is Devastating

Joe Biden is the king of mediocrity. There is nothing remarkable about his career in public life except being elected from a deep blue state, spouting off about how Obama is an articulate, clean black man, and getting caught in serial lies about his life. His 1988 presidential campaign sunk when he plagiarized a speech from then-UK Labour Leader Neil Kinnock, but it plays into the president’s horrific habit of embellishing his accomplishments. The sad thing about Biden is that the average fourth grader is more intelligent than him, but he thinks of himself as some sage at the top of the political class. He’s most decidedly not elite in any way except peddling shady access deals with his crack cocaine-addicted disgrace of a son. 

Biden has done nothing to help working families, enacted an agenda that spirals inflation, and can’t seem to handle foreign affairs—the world is on fire. He also comes off as awkward and dementia ridden. The latest poll has him as the least popular president in 70 years, which will certainly get under his skin; he’s easily irritated like most dementia patients. Biden can’t even remember when his son Beau died. Richard Nixon is more popular than Biden—that has to send Democrats over the cliff (via NY Post): 

Joe Biden is the least popular commander in chief at this point of his presidency in the last 70 years, below even Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, according to a blistering new poll — imperiling his chances of re-election. 

Biden, 81, notched a dismal 38.7% job approval rating for the first quarter of 2024, the venerable Gallup Poll found in a survey released Friday, three points lower than that of the one-term George H.W. Bush at the same point in his presidency. 

“With about six months remaining before Election Day, Biden stands in a weaker position than any prior incumbent,” the pollsters concluded. 

In contrast, former President Donald Trump, who is vying with Biden for a second White House term, had a 46.8% approval rating at this point in his presidency. 

Even Nixon and Carter had higher ratings than Biden, with 53.7% and 47.7%, respectively, and Eisenhower had the highest rating at 73.2%, according to the poll. 

The results of Gallup’s presidential approval polls, which the organization has compiled since the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower began in 1952, have been strongly predictive of re-election success. 

Historically, every incumbent in the past seven decades with an approval rating above 50% has won a second term. Only Barack Obama bucked the trend: his 2012 victory came despite a middling 46% approval six months ahead of that year’s general election. 

I would love to hear all the excuses for Biden being below 40 percent. One of the best came from his equally incompetent vice president, Kamala Harris, who had the gall to suggest that she and Biden weren’t taking enough credit for sending the economy into purgatory. 

I don’t think that’s it. I think it’s because you're two very unlikable people who have made more Americans poorer. The only things keeping Biden alive are the Left's hatred of Trump, which does animate the Democratic Party base that's having an antisemitism problem right now and single, college-educated women who vote on no issue other than abortion.