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A Country I Do Not Recognize

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AP Photo/Matt Rourke

For the last three years, like me, you’ve likely dreaded catching the news each morning. As a concerned citizen, however, you feel compelled. Lately, developments have come to light beyond the standard crap that the Biden Crime Family and the Biden Administration have perpetrated on our nation. 


Ten of Hundreds

I thought I'd heard it all, and still more unpleasantness. Here are ten examples:

1) Biden and company have been seeking funding for gender equity movements around the world to the tune of 2.6 billion dollars despite the U.S. being $34 trillion in debt.

2) The CIA conspired in the 2020 election to throw the election in Biden's favor and away from Trump, said a CIA whistleblower speaking to Jesse Watters of the Fox News Network.

3) The whistleblower told Watters that the CIA feels it's under-budgeted every year. To reduce the shortfall, they run an illicit drug program in selected regions around the world, receiving the compensation they think they deserve without having to run anything through Congress. They know that Joe Biden, an empty suit, is far easier to fool than Donald Trump, who would shut this down. 

4) In a lecture she gave in Chapel Hill, NC, journalist Heather McDonald of the Manhattan Institute pointed out that more than one in three children in grade school today identify themselves as LGBTQ. This is an astounding rise from less than a few percent just a decade ago. 

5) Why the explosion of LGBTQ self-identifiers? Such students feel as if they have power over their parents if they can choose their gender, and no one can interfere. 

6) Tucker Carlson interviewed an expert on the transgender movement who offered startling information on why the Left vehemently pushes transgenderism: If you can convince the populace that male and female are arbitrary markers, you can get people to believe anything. The Left’s assault on objective reality is their primary tool of control.


7) The top internet tech companies, in collaboration with Stanford University, created algorithms to ensure that top conservative voices, such as Molly Hemingway and Victor Davis Hansen, were muted on the internet while top Democrat voices were given huge fanfare -- a complete contortion of the right to free speech in America!

8) Dinesh D'Souza’s new documentary, following “2000 Mules,” is titled “Police State.” He pinpoints how and where the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have violated their oaths of office, breaking into the homes of political enemies with guns drawn when a simple knock on the door would do. They intentionally terrorize the families of the targets whom they wish to incarcerate.

9) Anthony Fauci, as now fully documented, has been lying to Congress and lying to the nation for years. He has funded gain-of-function research in China, in the U.S., and possibly elsewhere. He has funded dangerous projects, and while the press continues to cover for him, he is likely responsible for the Covid-19 outbreak that killed 6.96 million globally. Lately, in testifying before Congress, he can’t seem to recall anything.

10) The Biden Administration’s massive scheme to ship illegal aliens throughout the country, primarily to weaken the conservative communities, is more pervasive than anyone could have imagined, is amply funded and coordinated, and has been ongoing for years. 

Only a Handful

These are but a handful of the developments occurring under the Biden Administration and earlier. The people perpetrating these movements, hoaxes, crimes, and censorship do not care about America, democracy, or you. Such developments represent a power grab, a profit grab, and a prominence grab.


The only way to begin to restore our country is for a Republican to win the presidency in 2024. Governors in key states are doing their best to hold back the tide, particularly in relation to the southern border. Florida and Texas are leading away, and some progress has been made in New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California. However, nothing compares to having the right leadership at the top. 

We need a change in the President, Secretary of Homeland Security, and indeed the entire cabinet. Otherwise, will anything ever be turned around? Leftists have their clutches on all aspects of society. They are relentless and ruthless and won't quit until they destroy everything.

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