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Science Confirms Reality- Children Really Need Both Mom and Dad

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For the last two decades, proponents of same-sex “marriage” have tirelessly worked to convince average, everyday citizens that same-sex relationships and same-sex “parenting” are no different than traditional relationships and parenting, and in some cases, have even advocated that they are better. In other words, they sell the idea that excluding half of humanity (moms or dads) from the lives of children means nothing and, in some instances, is good for them.


As part of this deception, two fallacies are promulgated. Number one, that “there are large numbers of same-sex couples in the U.S. who are providing a stable, long-term parenting relationship for their children.” And secondly, that the children raised by those couples are as happy and healthy as those raised by a man and wife in a low conflict marriage. Usually, these claims are supported by so-called “research” whose methodological flaws are so glaring that they are hardly worthy of mention.

Regarding the first fallacy, there simply are not “large numbers of same-sex couples in the U.S. who are providing a stable, long-term parenting relationship for their children.” In fact:

A 2006 study of same sex “marriages” in Norway and Sweden found that “divorce risk levels are considerably higher in same-sex marriages,” such that Swedish lesbian couples are more than three times as likely to divorce as heterosexual couples, and Swedish gay couples are 1.35 times more likely to divorce. Timothy Biblarz and Judith Stacey, two of the most outspoken advocates for same-sex “marriage” in the U.S. academy, acknowledge that there is more instability among lesbian parents.

And as to the second fallacy, and giving same-sex relationships every benefit of the doubt, the University of Texas’ Dr. Mark Regnerus recently found that the only time children raised in a same-sex household have comparable levels of happiness and healthiness is when the comparison is between “the grown children of parents who had a same-sex relationship” and “the grown children of divorced, adopted, single-parented, or step-parented arrangements.”

Regnerus also found the happiness and healthiness claim to be patently false if “one compares the grown children of a parent who had a same-sex relationship to those from an intact biological family.” Moreover, Regnerus also “found that children who have had a parent in a same-sex romantic relationship are much more likely to suffer from depression as young adults than the children who come from intact biological families.”

It’s common for those who defend marriage as one man and one woman to be called “bigots”—a pejorative meant to send the signal that one person thinks his opinion is predominant over everyone else’s convictions. However, facts being facts, those who appear to be shortsighted are the ones who defend bad science for the sake of their ideology and sexual behavior—all at the expense of children.

Thus, when we genuinely think about it, Regnerus’ study only confirms what we know and understand deep down—that both halves of humanity are unique, special, and make an important difference in the lives of children. And to those who maintain that same-sex couples present “no difference” in the lives of the children they raise, I ask the question nobody ever seems able to answer—which parent doesn’t matter? The mother or the father?


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