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Conservatives: Reaching Deeper into their Pockets for Charity

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

When it comes to charity, no one has as big a heart as Americans.

According to a 2006 study, Americans give three times more to charity per capita Europeans.

In fact, no other nationality gives as much to charity per capita.


So, this begs the following questions: Which Americans give so much? And why?

Conservatives and Christians (forgive the tautology), predominantly from red states. You know the ones: where taxes are low, spending is under control and jobs are on the rise. The same places people are rushing to.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s recent study, “How America Gives” reported “giving patterns”, determining that overwhelmingly the states that voted for Romney gave the highest percentage of their adjusted gross incomes. The opposite was true for President Obama voters. In fact, the top 17 states for “rate of giving” all went to the former Massachusetts Governor.

This reinforces the august Arthur Brooks and his 2006 study, “Who Really Cares?”, in which he concluded giving is dictated by "strong families, church attendance, earned income (as opposed to state-subsidized income), and the belief that individuals, not government, offer the best solution to social ills--all of these factors determine how likely one is to give."

Within the last decade, these two studies have proven the conventional wisdom.


It appears that the Bible remains the political and economic textbook of patriots. In America, it must be remembered that welfare was always considered a family and church responsibility, and remained so well into the twentieth century.

Most people in America today feel trapped in a slowly sinking ship. Excessive taxation and red and green tape is eating their incomes and their future dreams.

But it wasn’t always this way.

When he came to America in the 1930s, Alexis de Tocqueville said he saw very little evidence of external government, but that the nation seemed to be run by voluntary associations. Most of these associations that cared for the needs of society were tithing associations (Christian ministries), either related to a church, or started by some Christian and supported by tithing Christians.

Traditional Americans, at least, have continued this culture of giving. Their homes remain places of hospitality. Their wallets remain open to the needs of the elderly, handicapped and orphaned. No greater evidence of American exceptionalism exists.


These two studies undermine the liberal, Democratic Party narrative that paints conservatives as uncaring, unfeeling and much worse.

Light always dispels darkness.

Nick Adams is an Australian best-selling author, speaker and political commentator. He is best known for his work in the field of American exceptionalism, and is credited with a resurgence in the idea worldwide. He is a regular on Fox News, C-SPAN and nationally-syndicated radio. Adams has received several state awards, being appointed an Honorary Texan by Governor Rick Perry in 2013. He is the author of the book: The American Boomerang (2014). He can be reached on Twitter @NickAdamsinUSA. His website is

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